Fiche cheval c p brave

- R2C5

plathandicap 57148sha tin (hong kong)1600M364073the hkjc 140th anniversary cup (handicap)12 partantsdépart à 07:10
110karmaH63p1p1p0p4pho c.y./1
Il a réalisé une course de rentrée très prometteuse.
24helene feelingH48p8p4p4p5pavdulla b./1
Il retrouve peu à peu une valeur handicap raisonnable.
36patch of thetaH52p1p2p1p3pbowman h./1
Ce véritable métronome devrait encore lutter pour le succès.
1chiu chow spiritH55p1p1p3p4pbadel a./1
2money catcherH70p9p8p0p0pleung k.c./1
3c p braveH77p5p1p2p6pbentley h./1
5flaming rabbitM50p7p7p7p3pferraris l./1
7stunning peachH31p2p8ppurton z./1
Il a laissé entrevoir un beau potentiel la saison dernière.
8supreme luckyH66p4p4p4p1ppoon m.f./1
9the best peachH50p6p7p6p6pteetan k./1
Il a peu de marge à ce niveau, mais peut se placer.
11top gunH42p8p8p1pchadwick m./1
12star contactH62p1p2p3p2pwong p.n./1
Il sera intéressant à suivre pour son retour à Sha Tin.

- R2C9

plathandicap 8233sha tin (hong kong)1800M239215designs on rome handicap13 partantsdépart à 09:30
11the best peachH55p3p8p3pteetan k.7.7/101:47
22c p braveH76p3p1p(23)1pmcdonald j.5.5/11 l 1/4
311holy lakeH44p8p1p(23)9patzeni a.6.05/1encolure
49frantanckH51p7p4p5pbadel a.6.4/11 l 1/4
512nicholson returnsH69p0p1p(23)3ppoon m.f.40/11 l 3/4
65packing hurricaneH51p(23)6p2p4pbentley h.10/11/2 l
78braveheartsH58p0p0p(23)9pthompson b.47/13/4 l
84sweet encounterH64p2p2p1p2ppurton z.5.05/1cte tete
97beauty liveH70p0p0p(23)0pavdulla b.88/1cte tete
106columbus countyH90p(23)4p8p6pshinn b.21/1nez
113natural stormH87p1p(23)2p0phamelin a.40/1nez
1210majestic victoryH82p9p4p(23)8phewitson l.18/11 l 1/4
1313enigmaH40p4p5p0p8pchadwick m.10/110 l

- R2C9

plathandicap 8960sha tin (hong kong)1800M364073south wall handicap14 partantsdépart à 09:15
13happy togetherH52p7p1p(23)1pbadel a.7.7/101:48
25champion dragonH60p5p6p(23)0pmcdonald j.16/1cte tete
32five g patchH65p2p(23)2p6pbowman h.6.6/1tete
414sweet encounterH62p2p1p2pthompson b.13/1encolure
511the best peachH53p8p3p(23)3pteetan k.9.2/1encolure
612c p braveH73p1p(23)1p4pbentley h.6.3/1tete
713natural stormH81p(23)2p0p3phamelin a.22/1cte tete
87tourbillon diamondH80p5p(23)5p5pavdulla b.15/11 l
910alacrityH63p5p2p5ppurton z.4.1/1cte tete
101super sunny singH61p0p6p(23)4patzeni a.15/1cte tete
118spirited expressH74p9p2p(23)4pferraris l.33/1nez
129rising from ashesH75p0p(23)7p0pde melo k.36/11/2 l
136la city blancheH66p4p2p(23)7pchung y.l.22/13/4 l
144running gloryH75p(23)0p7p0pleung k.c.69/17 l

- R2C8

plathandicap 11472sha tin (hong kong)2000M364073keung shan handicap14 partantsdépart à 08:40
110natural stormH8(23)2p0p3p4phamelin a./102:02
25ensuedH4(23)1p8p1p1pteetan k./1encolure
34c p braveH71p(23)1p4p4pmcdonald j./13/4 l
311woodfire broH6(23)3p2p7p8pleung k.c./1ex-aequo
53butterfieldH9(23)2p7p0p7ppurton z./11/2 l
61bourbonaireH70p(23)6p0p9pavdulla b./11 l 1/4
713ka ying generationH48p9patzeni a./1encolure
82the best peachH53p(23)3p5p3pbowman h./1nez
97ellipticalH59p(23)8pho c.y./11 l 1/4
108hameronH6(23)6p7p9p1pferraris l./11/2 l
1112looking greatH8(23)8p9p5p0ppoon m.f./11 l 3/4
129beauty liveH70p(23)0p4p0pbadel a./1encolure
136columbus countyH9(23)4p8p6p0pbentley h./11 l 3/4
1414enigmaH48p(23)0pchung y.l./1encolure

- R2C6

plathandicap 13348sha tin (hong kong)1800M239748jim and tonic handicap14 partantsdépart à 07:25
110c p braveH64p4p5p0p9pbarzalona m.8.95/1
28romantic charmH57p4p2p0p5phewitson l.23/14 l
35sweet encounterH50p0p9p6p9patzeni a.60/13/4 l
41awesome flukeH43pmoreira j.10/1cte tete
59billionaire secretH48p1p4p7p2ppurton z.6.3/13/4 l
614nicholson returnsH56p9p0p4p3pbadel a.24/11/2 l
77swan bayH43p3p7p2p0pteetan k.11/1cte tete
82ensuedH31p1pavdulla b.2.75/12 l 1/2
911s j tourbillonH57p6p0p8p8pbuick w.32/11 l 1/4
1012circuit mightyH68p8p3p3p3pleung k.c.21/12 l 1/2
3silver kingH43pmcdonald j.8.65/1
4enigmaH3Inéditguyon m.81/1
6universal horizonH52p3p1p5p3pho c.y.11/1
13absolute sunshineH40p0p0pde melo k.209/1

- R2C7

plathandicap 15106happy valley1800M239748repulse bay handicap12 partantsdépart à 13:45
18lean heroM43p1p5p4p1pleung k.c./101:48
211intrepid winnerH63p8p0p8p8pde melo k./11/2 l
312frantanckH47p0p9pyeung m.l./1cte tete
46c p braveH65p0p9p9p4phewitson l./11/2 l
510quantum patchH49p2p0p0p0pteetan k./12 l
65maldivesH74p6p4p7p1ppoon m.f./1cte tete
79young brilliantH47p7p7p0p1pbadel a./11 l 1/2
84tourbillon princeH53p2p0p0p0pchau c.l./1encolure
92perfect teamH51p6p7p0p0pchadwick m./12 l
101sweet encounterH59p6p9p8p3ppurton z./1encolure
117charity bingoH36p9p7p7p0pferraris l./1tete
123beauty missileH40p9p7p2p8patzeni a./120 l

- R6C7

plathandicap 16336happy valley1650M239748racing spirit handicap12 partantsdépart à 13:45
14outgateH42p5p5p5p0pchung y.l./101:41
212thesisH40p0p0p7p9pbadel a./11 l
32romantic laosH51p0p7p1p2ppurton z./1cte tete
47capital legendH56p2p0p8p7pchadwick m./11 l
55c p braveH60p9p9p4p0pleung k.c./11/2 l
68charity bingoH39p7p7p0pferraris l./1encolure
79family folksH76p6p6p9p0phamelin a./1encolure
86red majestyH79p2p9p0p0phewitson l./11 l 3/4
911show respectH34p6p7p8p8patzeni a./1encolure
103viva hunterH65p0p2p2p0pbowman h./1encolure
111escape routeH59p7p4p1p6pavdulla b./1encolure
1210silver sonicH52p1p3p4p4pbentley h./11 l 1/4

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